Wow. Rena Riffel rocks! This woman has had an amazing career already. Reading over her bio all but made me salivate. For starters, Rena Riffel has just finished directing, producing, editing, and starring in the wonderfully campy horror flick 'Trasharella' which sounds amazing. It's at Amoeba in Hollywood, and and
And will be available for rental and VOD through, soon.

Some of her additional credits include the upcoming horror flicks 'Eerie PA' , and 'Dark Reel' with Tony Todd as well as other horror faves like Lance Henrickson and Tiffany Shepis. She has also starred in the Bee-horror movie 'Candyman 3' (pardon my pun), 'Chained Heat 3', the camp classic 'Showgirls', the Demi Moore media circus 'Striptease', the amazing David Lynch flick 'Mulholland Drive', played May Britt in the 'Sinatra' TV biopic, was in 'Satan's Princess' and 'Caligula's Spawn', starred in 'White Slave Virgins' aka 'Bound Cargo' , played Pussy Magnifico in 'Strip Mall', and even has been in a couple episodes of the gay horror soap 'Dante's Cove'. Now that's a fricking resume! I can't wait to see what she's going to do next!

To make things even better the woman is every bit as fun in life as she is on paper... see for yourself in this exclusive interview.

  Rena, hello. Can you start us off with a visual and describe the room where you are answering these questions?

Hi Owen and Hello to Racks and Razor fans! OK, I am sitting at my white desk looking onto my garden patio. It's sunny outside and the sky is beautifully blue. The room has some left over Christmas lights still turned on, a lit candle in a crystal holder, red velvet curtains pulled open, crystal chandelier, I have my Showgirls Box Set DVD scattered around from doing some research on the commentary dude (David Schmader), he is "wondering if I am ok", 'Trasharella' is playing on the TV to make sure the homemade DVD screener isn't gonna skip when I mail it out to someone. Wood floors, cabbage rose couch, it's basically the same room that I shot Trasharella in when the Hollywood Vampire captured my character, Trasharella.

So Rena, tell me all about your tour de force 'Trasharella', the comedy-horror-fantasy-musical that you produced, edited, wrote, directed, and starred in. Give us all a teaser that is going to make it irresistible.

A teaser? Um, scantily clad sex goddess starlets who are semi-nuts try to kill the Hollywood Vampire to avoid becoming Hollywood "has-beens" and being sent "back to the farm". The Hollywood Vampire problem is symbolic of having a Hollywood career, the constant fighting for your life and sanity. Innocence is lost and you must become a naked dominatrix to survive. And, of course, recycle your trash for the sake of doing the right thing. It's satirical. It's my art film and expression, I didn't have anyone telling me what to do... so it's "Hollywood" anarchy. Anyone who appreciates this type of film making is gonna like it. I have heard from some fans who say they are addicted to Trasharella, it is like a drug and they need to get their fix everyday, lol. But seriously, so far, it's kind of a phenomenon. The song "Perfectly Imperfect" seems to haunt people and they sing it when they wake up in the morning and it sticks in their heads, driving them crazy. This is what I am told, anyway... It's a raw and edgy zero budget flick. It's inspired from films like Ed Wood's Plan Nine from Outer Space. I wanted it to be so bad, that it is good.... because, "when I'm good, I'm good. But when I'm bad, I'm better"--May West.

How did the making of 'Trasharella' come about?

I started it with an idea for a webisode about a Sex Goddess, shot a few scenes with my green haired neighbor by the pool, but then continued to transform the story into what it is now. Mary Carey came over, we went out and got paparazzied, and came back and shot her first scene. At that time, I didn't even have my good camera yet, it was shot on a little messed up digital camera. So, I decided to embrace the flaws of the production and go heavily into that direction. I kept moving forward and it took on a momentum. I was learning as I was filming. My friends and family helped me, couldn't have done it without them.

What was the most trying part of wearing all those hats and fulfilling all those roles on a production?

The most trying part was problem solving technical problems and technical obstacles that arise. Torture!!! I wasn't sure if the film would get finished because of so many technical post production problems that kept coming up. There was a new problem every ten minutes. My production studio is now called, The Torture Chamber Studios.

Tell me a little something about the new movie you are about to start filming called 'Eerie, Pa.'

Oh, I am so excited about Eerie, PA. Tony Todd is Directing/Writing/Starring in it. I am so honored that Tony cast me as this amazing tough ruthless character, Condi. The project is very soulful with a great music score at the heart of the film by legend, Jerry Lawson. It deals with the underground dirty gritty life of gambling addictions and collecting debts.

I also want to hear about your new horror movie coming out March 10th on DVD 'Dark Reel' which is also starring Tony Todd, Alexandra Holden, Edward Furlong, and Tiffany Shepis.

I have a feeling that Dark Reel may turn into a cult-film someday, like what happened with Showgirls. I find my way into these films somehow, or maybe they find me? The director, Josh Eisendstadt, made a short film for the DVD extras about the making of Gnome Killer 2, I play the Gnome Queen and Tiffany plays Gnomelinda. My character is obsessed with B-Horror Movies and Tony Todd's character would rather watch porn. Dark Reel is set in the world of B-Horror Movies with films like Gnome Killer, Pirate Wench, Evil Twins, all starring Tiffany's character, a B-movie actress named Cassie Blue. Tony and I play detectives, Detective La Rue and Det. Shields. All the characters are pretty quirky. We solve the mystery of the murdered starlet from the 1950's, played by Alexandra, very similar to the Black Dahlia/Elizabeth Short murder. But, Dark Reel has a lot of funny scenes, I interpret it more of a gory Dark comedy.

You also starred with Tony Todd in his most famous role to date as Candyman in 'Candyman III: Day of the Dead'. What is the most memorable thing you recall about working in that 1999 horror movie?

Bees!!! Bees, and Bees all over me!!! That was before Fear Factor came out, so I thought I was really tough to pull off that stunt. It was a thrill and I loved it. And I was so thrilled to be part of the Candyman trilogy, being a huge fan of Candyman and Tony Todd. The bloody special FX were a blast, too!

Rena, you have also done two episodes of 'Dante's Cove'. How did the role of Tina come about?

My friend told me about the project. I auditioned and the next day was on a plane down to the Caribbean.

I must have a time capsule memory of what it was like to work on the film 'Showgirls' (1995) as Penny/Hope.

That was a dream come true. It was a miracle. I came to Hollywood originally to be a dancer, like what Nomi (Elizabeth Berkeley) said she wanted to be. A real dancer, not a stripper. But, somehow, I got into acting instead. I had to pinch myself at times to make sure this was really happening. My favorite movie growing up that inspired me to be a dancer was Flashdance (Joe Esterhas wrote it), and I had this one surreal day where I left the dance rehearsals and then came home to find Flashdance on TV. I was crying tears of joy because I felt like I had been through such a struggle and then finally made my dream come true, both acting and dancing in a Verhoeven/Esterhas huge film. LOL, so dramatic I was. Working on the set for me was a lot like the movie, it was like the movie set turned into the movie. I think there was a lot of method acting going on. It was the best time of my life, Elizabeth and I had so much fun. I knew her from dance class already, dancing in the SG choreographer's class since we were teenagers, but I never watched Saved by the Bell. I think we were both so happy to have roles that included our dancing.

Rena I am a big David Lynch fan. I have to ask was working on 'Mulholland Drive' as Laney as surreal an experience as it seems when you see the film?

Yes, surreal! That was amazing!!! I wish I could be in David Lynch's movie everyday of my life. Sometimes, I feel like I am... lol. He is a dream to work with, for sure.

You also starred in 'Dark Confessions: Chained Heat III' (1998). So Rena if you were sent to a women's prison what do you think the charge would be?

I dunno. I obey the law. Ummm, indecent exposure?

With your list of credits and roles I am sure you have been asked to do some pretty insane things for the camera. What sticks out in your mind as one or two of the most outrageous?

I have braved through some crazy stunts, falling down snow and ice covered cliffs on Unstable Minds. While in Mexico filming Land's End (the Fred Dryer pilot), I was swimming with my clothes on in the bay, smuggling a suitcase of money in this scene, and a big yacht came by and almost ran me over. The Candyman bees were pretty insane, an adult bee got in the mix and wanted to land on me, too. I was covered in baby bees, they have no stingers yet. But, the animal rights organization was there and they wouldn't allow us to injure or squish the adult bee. We finally swished it out the door to freedom. When the stunt was done, the Bee Keeper forgot his bee vacuum on the other stage, so I patiently waited with my baby bees vibrating all over me, Oh, and naked, until they arrived with the bee vacuum and sucked them off of me, unharmed and happy. The Simandl "Czechsploitation" scripts are so insane; my characters do outrageous crazy things in those films.

Back in the 1950s there was a slew of movies with titles like 'I was a Teenage Werewolf' and 'I was a Teenage Frankenstein' if they made a movie about Rena Riffel's teenage years what would the title be and why?

'I Was A Teenage Fembot Gone Wild!' I can't believe I lived through it. I was kind of a tom boy and raced horses and jumped SUVs in the river bed. I drove too fast in my Trans AM. And drank a lot of beer. But, I was an A student and head cheerleader for most of my teenage career, lol. I was an over-achiever, but 13 going on 30. But, I never crossed a line of getting into trouble. I loved bikini contests, and at 17 won first runner up for the Queen of the local fair. I almost won Queen, but there was a scandal on the news about me getting into the pageant because I had won some dance contest at my dance school. Small town drama.

Do you recall the first movie you saw that caused you to sleep with the lights on?

'Poltergeist'! I had a big closet and an oak tree outside my window!

We're pulling into the Rena Riffel Drive In. What three flicks are on the triple bill for tonight and what goodies are they going to be serving up at the concession stand?

Well, since it is the Rena Riffel Drive In, I gotta show Mulholland Drive, 'Candyman 3', and a midnight screening of 'Showgirls'. Concession is serving Pink's Mulholland Drive Dogs and Fajitas. Next weekend, Rena Riffel Drive In is gonna show 'Rosemary's Baby', 'Eye's Wide Shut', 'Juliet Of The Spirits', and of course, gotta have a midnight screening of 'Trasharella'. Concession stand, Count Smokula will serve Pizza Pie and cups of tea.

What scares you in real life?

Not making movies!!!!!