The Newlydeads (1988)

Produced & Directed by: Joseph Merhi

Written by: Sean Dash & Joseph Merhi


Jimmy Williams .... Lloyd
Jean Levine .... Kris
Jay Richardson .... Ron
Rebecca Barrington .... Blanche
Michael Springer .... Bull
Scott Kaske .... Jackie
Captain Mike .... Minister
Roxanna Michaels .... Lynda
Michelle Mania .... Sabina
Doug Jones .... Tim

Release Dates: Direct-to-Video: August 21, 1988 (Japan)



Lloyd (Jimmy Williams) an owner of a lakeside resort kills a transvestite that stayed there and then fifteen years have passed and realises that something from the dead is haunting his resort and killing off newlyweds in which a psychic Kris (Jean Levine) comes to his aid to try and put a stop to the madness before they're next.


Watching the beginning of this flick I had a bad feeling that it was going to be a poorly made film while watching the picture quality as well as how the plot was turning out to be when we spot a blonde with her head turned but having a manly voice done in an amateurish way asking for a room talking to the person in charge whom is Lloyd as well as the struggling situations along with him murdering this person as all of this was off and unnatural. Things seemed to e very forced while watching all of this unravel.
Then more lame brained moments with couples driving towards the resort and their boring discussions which needed a push big time.
Another amateurish moment is when a wedding ceremony occurs and we have a zombie of that transvestite walking around the people there which didn't look convincing as this was supposed to be a haunting moment and it didn't cut it at all. The filmmakers really needed to improve on this scene big time as it was supposed to look mysterious which failed to be that way.
More stale moments with the main characters Kris and Ron having a heated argument at the lodge as well as her being paranoid with her psychic abilities that somethings going to happen or their place being robbed which is laughable and not in a good way by how this all came out which looked like the makers weren't taking this scene seriously as it looked amateurish at it's best. In fact it looked like a group of friends doing a home movie while I was watching this.
There there were other scene's with couples having their discussions at the lodge as this looked mildly fun to watch especially the discussions between Lloyd and his wife Lynda but then he hallucinates spotting what is supposed to be the figure of that transvestite cackling and he is strngling this person which didn't look well done at all.
However there are fairly decent discussions with Lynda getting upset and leaving along with Lloyd trying to talk to her begging her to stay as well as Kris telling him on a murder case she senses at his lodge as all of this came together in a mediocre fashion. Not to say that it's great but better than what I've seen so far.
Then in the story it tried so hard to be comedic with a drunken Minister doing a marriage with an elderly couple but I wasn't laughing at the least while watching this unravel as it looked incredibly stupid by what was said or going on.
More twisted moments with Lynda picking up a hitchhiker after nearly running over him which was supposed to look suspenseful and almost did the trick and then spots the hallucination of that transvestite playing games with her. It wasn't overly terrible but still needed improvements.
Then a shower scene occurs with Lloyd and Lynda getting romantic with one another in which there's a fair decent moment on the zombie of the transvestites hand rubbing on him and making out he will stab him as I watched carefully wondering if a murder scene is going to happen in which I knew this living dead person plays tricks on him.
Then later on some interesting moments with this zombie cackling near him with mist floating as there's a nice demonic speaking which would work for a film with a better low budget as this isn't one of them so the timing is off.
Things come together in a mediocre fashion when Lloyd and Kris try to have a plan to put an end to this zombie but there's really lame situations as she tells him what this living dead person wants as I rolled my eyes. There's struggling moments which almost works and the odd gruesome situations.
Bottom line is that this is amateurish junk and like mentione dit looked like a group of friends wanting to make a home movie since the budget was cut out that way. The story sounds better than the film itself. Avoid this one since it's been done before and on better budgets too.

The acting is is terrible and amateurish in which we have Jimmy Williams (Lloyd) as the owner in which he is humiliating during the beginning of his performance when acting struggling or killing someone in which this was totally off and the aggressions were very forced and unnatural. He seemed to do a bit better when the story started rolling with his serious actions or getting into a discussion on the deadly topics. Yet when he acts upset he seems quite rusty by behaving this way.
Jean Levine
(Kris) seemed to do fairly alright with her sharp behavior when talking to someone but when she freaks out like acting psychic she loses it and is way too over the top and getting carried away. She needed serious acting lessons when acting this way since she acts very silly and not in a good way at all.
Jay Richardson
(Ron) was better than most of the cast but he has had alot of experience in cheesy low budget films. He never was very great but still seemed to pull off the best he could do. Yet when he gets into an argument in a scene he really lacked with his aggressions and anxious attitude.
Captain Mike (Minister) I must say was the worst out of the whole cast playing a drunk as he couldn't get into it and tried hard to be funny by behaving this way but he is a total bomb by acting like this. He wasn't cut out to be a character actor.
Roxanna Michaels (Lynda
) didn't have a huge role in the film but I will tell you that she is the best out of the whole cast. Seemed to show good timing with her frightened and emotional attitude. Reacts well to things as well as doing a good job acting shocked and anxious towards someone else when she freaks at them. Yes she was a passable character actress.

Breasts are briefly revealed while a woman is in a spa
Breasts are revealed while someone is taking a shower

Different deadly objects are stabbed in the head of a transvestite
A sharp object is impaled through his body on a bed
Head is chopped off by a hacksaw
Knife is stabbed in someone's neck

The music is amateurishly composed by John Gonzalez but it actually works in some parts so it's so bad it's good at times. There's effective icy echoey harmonising as well as the odd low sounds too as this brought my attention in a good way. With some of the trashy moments on that zombie woman there's a fair amount of decent timing on the music too. Yet there's an odd moment with comedic music during a drunken proposal in a certain part of the story which was way off and sounding too corny.