Hey folks,
Here's a fan page to send us photos of horror stuff as you can submit many types of things like you and a horror celebrity at a convention or your horror costumes as well as even autographed pictures, horror art or anything else horror related in which we will be happy to post it including places you've been to where the film was shot on location at the time. Just drop us an email with your pics. We will also try to credit you with your name on whatever you send us which will be a nice bonus for you.
Also feel free to share us your thoughts on your experiences of these moments too.






Matt Hart sent us some of his favourite horror merchandise also runs a cool horror facebook page Matt Hart and The Horror University

Texas Chainsaw Massacre superfan Zach Bruce shared us some photos for our site at cons as well as a fan made TCM film he has on youtube. It was well done too. Thank you for sharing this with us Zach!!!

Greg Tiderington visited Monsterpalooza and said it was the largest convention he's ever been to.

Donald Smith travelled to other areas starting from top to bottom he took pics on locations as to where movie makers shot Halloween III: The Season of the Witch, the actual house in Amityville that inspired the Amityville Horror, Return of the Living Dead and Jeepers Creepers

Donald Smith travelled to Covington, Georgia and took many pics on where Paramount Pictures shot Friday the 13th Part VI: Jason Lives. Can you guess the above pics what scene's they were???


The pics displayed on the bottom are houses that look similar to the home in the Amityville Horror. If you have anything that looks similar to a horror film send it to us and we will place it here.