Wanna listen to our past live shows that you didn't have time for? Well they're right here starting from January 30th 2006. We have improved alot over the months in our shows and plan to still do so
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Check out our bio's and see what we do. It takes alot of good people to make the show so here you go folks.
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Come and listen to our 10 minute radio plays as there's a different story on each one. It's like Tales from the Crypt but in radio format.
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Racks and Razors Radio Show .... A New One Each Month
Hello folks, The Eric Morse Project took over the Racks & Razors Radio Show which is live monthly at 8pm PST on a Saturday night in which both Greg Russell Tiderington and Doktor Strange introduce the show, then a horror celebrity is interviewed along with a new movie review by the two of them. Then there's pre-recorded news and magazine reviews with a song of the month. So lot's of different things.
You also may want to check out Dr. Strange's website for his upcoming shows at

A brand new show on blogtalkradio

Hey folks!!! Welcome to our midnight special since we were cut off on our season 2 premiere while launching most of our pre-recorded material so here we go!!!
Bloody Good News by Miss Misery in which she discusses Women in Horror Month
*Horror Hound review by Greg which is a topic on the Video Invasion discussing "New World Video" distribution as it made many releases on movies like "House", "The Stuff", "Hellraiser" and "Slaughterhouse" as there's topics on this movie along with the history and promotions. He also reviews "The 100 Greatest Names in Horror of the Last 100 Years Vincent Price" by Nathan Hanneman which is a topic on how he got a name in the horror industry.
*Sponsor Acknowledgment

Listen to us live every month!!!!


Listen to internet radio with Eric Morse on Blog Talk Radio

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Got any feedback for us? Want something different? Any ideas? Well don't hesitate to contact us as we will acknowledge all emails you send us.

Wanna listen to our podcast shows 2006-09? Well they're right here starting from November of 2006. We have improved alot over the months in our shows and plan to still do so
***Check us out***